Majorities say Biden shows he is too old, not fit to be president
Majorities say Biden shows he is too old, not fit to be president

By Bob Unruh

When Joe Biden made those inflated promises at the beginning of his term about how he’d bring the nation together, he probably didn’t mean this.

In fact, just as a Gallup poll shows 83% of the nation agrees the nation is going the wrong direction, another poll shows high numbers of Americans who doubt Biden’s “fitness” for office. And nearly two in three say he’s simply showing he’s “too old.”

The Daily Wire discussed the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll of nearly 2,000 registered voters.

“When asked, ‘Is Joe Biden mentally fit to serve as President of the United States or do you have doubts about his fitness for office?’ 53% of respondents answered, ‘I have doubts about his fitness.’ Broken down along party lines, 19% of Democrats responded accordingly, as did 83% of Republicans, and a whopping 61% of Independents answered the same,” the report said.

Also, on the question of whether Biden is “showing he is too old” to be president, 62% said that was the case. Only about one-third of the respondents, 38%, said he shows “he is fit to be president.”

The poll revealed only 17% of Republicans believe Biden to be mentally fit, and that number was only 39% for rural respondents and independents. Only 36% of those ages 50-64 think he’s fit and those thinking he’s fit didn’t reach the 50% level among men, women, whites, those ages 35-49 and those ages 65 and up.

Too old? Among Republicans that was the conclusion for 88%, and for 72% of independents, Also 63% of men, 62% of women, 67% of whites, 50% of blacks, 57% of Hispanics, 62% of those 18-34, 58% of those 35-49 and 65% of those 65 and up.

The same poll says only 12% of the GOP and 18% of independents think the U.S. is on the “right track.” On whether the nation is on the right track economically, the numbers sank even further.

In fact, 36% say the nation already is in recession and another 49% say it’s coming in the next year.

Forty percent responded that Biden’s inflation – and whether they can continue to afford what they need – is their most pressing concern. Right behind, at 30% was the economy and jobs.

The January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol was just a blip in the poll, right alongside cancel culture, for the level of concern it raises.

In hypothetical races for the White House, Trump would beat Joe Biden 45%-42% and Kamala Harris 47%-40%.

Sixty eight percent say inflation is a very serious problem for America, and 27% say somewhat serious. And 47% blame Biden.

Also, 59% say children should be identified by their sex, not a gender identity, because that just confuses children.

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