Posted inOpinion

Ensuring Free and Fair Elections: Steps for a Stronger Democracy in the United States

By Stephen Zogopoulos, USNN World News Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of any healthy democracy, providing citizens with the power to choose their representatives and influence the direction of their nation. In the United States of America, a nation built on democratic principles, ensuring the integrity of the electoral process is crucial to […]

Posted inOpinion

The History of Taxation in the United States: From Inception to Modern-Day Policy

By Stephen Zogopoulos, USNN World News Taxation is an integral aspect of any government’s functioning, providing the necessary financial resources to fund public services, infrastructure, and various programs. In the United States of America, the concept of taxation has a rich and complex history, with roots dating back to colonial times. This article aims to […]

Posted inOpinion

A Comparative Analysis of the United States Economy under Democrat and Republican Governance: A Focus on GDP, National Debt, and Inflation

By Stephen Zogopoulos, USNN World News The United States has a long history of alternating between Democrat and Republican administrations, each bringing their own policy approaches and visions for the nation’s economy. This article aims to examine and compare the performance of the U.S. economy under Democrat and Republican governance, with a focus on key […]

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The Road to Recovery: Evaluating the Impact of Left-Wing Ideology and Social Shifts in the United States

As the United States grapples with the effects of left-wing ideology, woke culture, cancel culture, gender identity issues, and the rise of socialist politicians, concerns about the country’s recovery have arisen. This article delves into the repercussions of these phenomena and examines whether the United States can overcome the perceived damage caused by them. By considering the complexities of these issues and the resilience of American society, we explore the potential paths toward healing and rebuilding a unified and prosperous nation.

Posted inNational News

Celebrating the Remarkable Journey of the 45th President of the United States of America

Join us as we come together to celebrate the extraordinary life and accomplishments of the 45th President of the United States of America on this special day. From transforming the nation’s economy to championing freedom and security, this remarkable leader’s legacy continues to inspire and shape the course of history. Happy birthday to the one who left an indelible mark on our nation and whose dedication to the American people will be remembered for generations to come.

Posted inOpinion

Fossil Fuel Reserves in the United States: A Closer Look at Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas

The United States stands as a global powerhouse when it comes to fossil fuel reserves, particularly in coal, oil, and natural gas. With significant deposits primarily found in states like Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky, the country’s coal reserves are estimated to be around 237 billion short tons, making it home to some of the largest coal reserves worldwide. Coal has long been a cornerstone of the American energy sector, fueling power plants and supporting various industries.

Posted inOpinion

Unveiling Corruption Within the United States Postal Service: A Focus on Elections

As the United States Postal Service (USPS) plays a pivotal role in the nation’s electoral process, concerns about corruption within its ranks have emerged, casting a shadow on election integrity. Instances of employee misconduct, political influence, funding challenges, and a lack of transparency have raised alarm bells. In order to preserve the integrity of elections, it is imperative to delve into the depths of corruption within the USPS, identify its root causes, and implement necessary reforms. By addressing these issues head-on, we can ensure that the USPS fulfills its mandate of secure and timely delivery of mail-in ballots, safeguarding the essence of American democracy.

Posted inNational News

House Takes on Biden’s Waters of the United States Rule

By Nathan Worcester Representatives at a Congressional hearing moved closer to challenging President Joe Biden’s new rule defining the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act, an issue pitting many farmers, ranchers, and other landowners against many environmentalists and federal bureaucrats. The meeting brought together members of the Transportation & Infrastructure […]