
By Cherise Leclerc


Voters in cities across New Hampshire headed to the polls Tuesday for municipal elections.

Moderators at Hillside Middle School in Manchester said voting was steady throughout the day. Manchester is one of six cities — including Berlin, Keene, Dover, Laconia and Concord — that have contested races for mayor.

The mayoral race in Manchester between incumbent Democratic Mayor Joyce Craig and Republican challenger Victoria Sullivan is being closely watched.

“We feel great,” Craig said. “We’ve been working for months, knocking on doors, making contact with voters, just listening to their concerns, and feel really optimistic and hopeful for today.”

“I feel great,” Sullivan said. “Every place that we go, people are coming over and saying, ‘We’re in it for you and we’re here. We’re supporting you,’ and the support we’ve had has been tremendous since the beginning, but the last few weeks, it’s really amped up and it’s been wonderful.”

Five communities — Concord, Dover, Keene, Portsmouth and Rochester — are voting whether to allow keno, and sports betting is on the ballot in nine communities.

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